Ocean Discovery Courses
Please note payment must be made in full at the time of booking to confirm your place on the course.
Payment follows completion via link at end of the form..
Forename of Attendee *
Surname of Attendee *
Course Name *RYA Day Skipper TheoryRYA Yachtmaster TheoryRYA Ocean YM TheoryRYA Sea SurvivalWorld Offshore Personal SafetyCombined Sea Survival+ WSOPSRYA VHF RadioRYA First AidPrivate TuitionCastle Cruise Flotilla
Start Date of Course *
House Name/No.
Postcode *
Home / Work Telephone (optional)
Mobile Number *
Email Address *
Do you have any medical conditions or allergies? *NoYes
If ‘yes’, please provide further details below on any medical conditions / allergies.
Emergency contact details. Name: *
Emergency Contact Phone *
Full Course Fee (£) *Sea Survival £130World Offshore Personal Safety £130Combined SS + WSOPS £260VHF Short Range Certificate £130Ocean YM Theory £475Offshore Coastal YM Theory £475Dayskipper Theory £390First Aid £105Private TuitionCastle Cruise
In order to secure your course booking, the course fee is payable in full at this time. Once you have paid for the course, 25% of the course fee is classed as the deposit payment. Please refer to Terms and Conditions.
Please note: if you need to change your course booking an administrative charge of £20 is applicable.
I have read the Ocean Discovery terms and conditions and declare that, to the best of my knowledge, I am fit to particpate and must have appropriate levels of travel and medical insurance. I understand that only payment of the course fee in full completes my course booking. *
For Sea Survival Courses only: I declare I am confident in the water, that I am, to the best of my knowledge, physically fit to take part in the activity and I am willing to comply with all safety regulations.
Signature (print name) *
Date *
8 + 0 = ?Please prove that you are human by solving the equation *