RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Theory

This intensive 7-day course unravels the mysteries of celestial navigation, using a sextant, worldwide meteorology and voyage planning. It is also the first step in obtaining the MCA / RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Certificate of Competence. It is suitable for competent navigators planning an ocean passage or those just interested in learning traditional navigation techniques. The course will equip you with the necessary theoretical skills to undertake an ocean passage as mate or skipper and is intended for those who already have some practical coastal and offshore cruising experience.

Our instructor has extensive ocean sailing experience, bringing the theoretical knowledge and skills to life to make this an engaging and invaluable learning experience in preparation for ocean cruising.

At the end of the course there will be one exam paper. After successful completion of this course you will be ready to put the theory into practice on an ocean voyage.

If you are working towards your Yachtmaster Ocean Certificate of Competence, completion of this shorebased course exempts you from the written exam.

1 to 1 Tuition

1:1 tuition is also available for this course also run over 7 days.

Please get in touch with your preferred dates.

30th Sep – 06th Oct 2024

01st -07th Dec 2024


To enquire about other dates or setting up a bespoke course for your group, please contact us.

  1. The earth and the celestial sphere
  1. The PZX triangle
  1. The sextant
  1. Measurement of time
  1. Meridian altitudes
  1. Sun, star and other sights
  1. Compass checking
  1. Satellite Navigation Systems
  1. Great circle sailing
  1. Meteorology
  1. Passage planning
  1. Passage making
  1. Communications

The course fee includes:

RYA Astro Navigation Handbook G78

RYA Navigation Table

RYA training charts

Use of sextant

Morning and afternoon tea

Free parking

For details of places to stay nearby click here

You will need to provide your own plotter, set up dividers,  notebook, pens and pencils.

30th Sep – 06th Oct 2024

01st – o7th Dec 2024

The cost of the 7 day course is £475

Pre course experience:  your navigation skills should be at the standard of the RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Offshore theory course and you should have some coastal and offshore sailing experience.

Ability after course

The course will provide you with the background knowledge required to skipper a yacht on ocean passages.